Manage your Modules

Active or deactivate Hoofpick Modules on your account for more flexibility.

Updated over a week ago

There are many different Modules available on your Hoofpick account and you can choose to activate or deactivate them, depending on what you need and what you want to use Hoofpick for.

When activated, Modules will appear in the menu on your dashboard. This allows you to start using them. For example, if you don't activate News, you won't be able to create and manage News on your Hoofpick account.

Modules are free to activate, but some do require additional subscriptions or fees when using them. For more info see Hoofpick Pricing.

Managing Modules

Modules can be activated or deactivated by going to your dashboard and opening the menu on the left, then clicking Modules.

Choose which Modules you want to use by selecting Active or Inactive.

Deactivating a Module won't remove or delete any listings associated with that Module, e.g. if you deactivate Classifieds but you've already added Classified listings to your account, these will still be available, you just won't be able to manage them or create new ones.

Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Update to save these changes on your account.

Any new Modules you activated will immediately be available to use from the menu on the left.

Modules you can choose to activate

When you first create a Hoofpick account, some Modules come pre-activated. These include:

These are the most popular Modules, but you can choose to deactivate them and activate others that suit you better πŸ‘‡

Other optional Modules include:

Most of these are self-serve and you can get yourself started straight away! To get started with your own Mobile App or Website, you'll need to contact us. We'll help with the build and hosting etc. and then you'll be able to manage them from your Hoofpick account.

Modules you can't deactivate

Some menu items can't be made Inactive or removed from your Hoofpick account.

These include:

  • Dashboard

  • Settings

    • Profile

    • Hub & Business

  • My Hoofpick Activity

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