Update Profile
You can update your Profile information at any time. Go to your dashboard and navigate to Settings > Profile.
From here, you can edit and update
First Name
Last Name
Display name
Profile image
You can also manage your riders and horses, or delete your Hoofpick account.
When you've finished making changes to your account, remember to click Update at the bottom of the page. Any changes will be saved and updated in your account immediately.
Update Business Hub
You can update your Business information at any time. Go to your dashboard and navigate to Settings > Hub & business.
From here, you can edit and update
Business details
Location map
About text
Social & Analytics
Google Analytics
Facebook Link
Twitter Link
YouTube Link
Instagram Link
Hoofpick TV Link
Update your Social Media Links by pasting the correct or updated URL to your social media account in the applicable field.
Hub cover image
Update your Hub cover Image by clicking on Choose File and selecting a new JPEG or PNG file from your device. This will replace the current one if you have previously uploaded an image.
Payment Settings
Connect your Hoofpick account to your Stripe account (if you want to accept payment for Events & Bookable Services). You can also connect to a different Stripe account if you've already connected one that you're no longer using.
When you've finished making changes to your account, remember to click Update at the bottom of the page. Any changes will be saved and updated in your account and on your Hoofpick Hub immediately.